The Striker and Sunbreaker return in Destiny 2 for the Titans. The main difference is that the final section, when you visit the Shard of the Traveler, is much longer, but essentially the same thing. You’ll need to obtain the Cracked Talisman in the same way you got the Bond.

The Stormcaller unlock works the exact same way. Afterwards, this Destiny 2 subclass is all yours. Clear out nearby enemies and interact with it to get your Super and clear out some more enemies. Afterwards, you’ll be prompted to head to a Shard of the Traveler. Once you get it though, start killing enemies and running events with a Fireteam (this makes it charge a bit faster). Most people get it to drop around level 8-12, though we’re not entirely sure if it is in fact locked to a specific level range. You can get one from a chest after doing a Public Event, though it’s pretty random. For the Voidwalker, you’ll be looking for a relic in the form of a Bond (the Warlock armband). The two extra subclasses for the Warlock in Destiny 2 are the aforementioned Voidwalker and The Taken King’s Stormcaller (yeeaaaaaah boooooy!). However, you can actually unlock two more subclasses for each class and we’re going to tell you how to do just that. Upon reclaiming your light, you’ll be granted the new subclass for your chosen class – Dawnblade for Warlocks, Sentinel for Titans, and Arcstrider for Hunter. Eventually, Ghaul spartas the ever-loving crap out of you and you lose it all. When you start out in Destiny 2, you’ll have your original Destiny subclasses – Voidwalker for Warlock, Striker for Titan, and Gunslinger for Hunter.

How to Unlock All Subclasses in Destiny 2